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“Rout and Slaughter Ensued," The Archaeology of the Battle of Camden.
Wednesday, September 11, 2024, 6:30 PM EST
Category: Events

Join us for a presentation by James Legg who will examine the important Revolutionary War engagement, up-to-date findings of the Camden project, recovery of the fourteen combatants, and the controversy over their re-interment on the battlefield.

Check-in and Social at 6:30PM
Meeting begins at 7PM
Refreshments will be served.

Admission is free to members. $5 for guests. You can join the Cape Fear Revolutionary War Round Table at the door!

The meeting takes place at the Burgwin-Wright House & Gardens at 224 Market Street in downtown Wilmington. (corner of Third & Market Street) There's street parking in front of the Burgwin-Wright House, meters are free after 6:30PM. There's also parking at the city parking deck and open-air lot on Second and Market St.

About Camden Battlefield project
In 1998, James Legg began the formal archaeological investigation of the Camden, South Carolina battlefield, a project that is on-going. In 2022, he and co-investigator Steven Smith led the excavation of the remains of fourteen soldiers killed in action at the Battle of Camden in August 1780.

About the Speaker
James Legg is an historical archaeologist specializing in battlefield and weapons technology, and other military material culture, with additional expertise in metal artifact conservation, archaeological metal detecting, and exhibit design. Beginning in 1979, he spent more than a decade in cultural resource management (CRM) archaeology in the Southeast. In 1993, Mr. Legg began working for the South Carolina Institute of Archaeology and Anthropology (SCIAA) in Columbia. In 2012, the Research Division, SCIAA, hired him to be a permanent staff member. He has conducted research and excavation projects in eight states, Barbados, and France, and has an extensive record of professional publications and presentations. Mr. Legg is a native North Carolinaian, graduate of the University of North Carolina Wilmington, and former co-worker with Chris Fonvielle at the Blockade Runner Museum.